Care for your loved ones. Avoid Elder Abuse.

Elder abuse. The term sounds too horrible to really imagine. For some, the concept that there are people out there who take advantage of the elderly, abuse the elderly and intentionally neglect the elderly just seems too far-fetched to take seriously.

The truth is the problem is getting worse, not better, and we need to be diligent in our efforts to stop the abuse of our elderly loved ones and our children alike.

When we were young, we relied on the nurturing care from the parental figures in our life. These same people are now our elderly citizens and we need to return the thoughtful care we received. Our elderly loved ones need us now, more than ever. You can have a positive impact on elder care and the care given to the elderly people in your life.

  • If something is wrong, what can you do to help?
  • What are the legal and moral boundaries?
  • Who can you turn to?

Hire A private Investigator

Too many of us are asleep at the wheel when it comes to paying a little attention to people in need. These situations don’t last forever and once a loved one has suffered at the hands of others, when it could have been stopped, the regret and guilt the survivors are faced with can last a life time. A good private investigator is better than a watch dog. We can get to the bottom of the problem and take action to stop elder abuse.

What kind of a message are we sending to our own children and other young people when they witness first-hand, the lack of compassion that is so common today? We need to do the right thing while at the same time setting a good example for those who follow in our footsteps.

You don’t have to be the bad guy, as is so often the case in family concerns. The ones who are concerned for the well-being of their elderly loved ones, the people who want to do the right thing, can be labeled incorrectly and perceived as the bad guy. The real problem people in these situations know how to take away personal freedoms and isolate their elderly victims from family and friends.

Many of our elder loved ones suffer from mild depression. They already feel lonely and sometimes abandoned, as if their own children and siblings no longer care for them. This is exacerbated when their lifetime mate passes away and they are left alone with the loss of their comfort zone, their sole mate.

These individuals are often fearful of change and the progression of conditions common in senior citizens only make matters worse. They usually do not want to move to a more manageable environment. They become easy prey for the predatory people that are all around us.

Ask yourself whether you know of any situation where someone has taken advantage of an elderly relative or neighbor. You probably have either heard of this happening to someone or know first-hand. You can help. You do not have to spend too much of your own time and sacrifice too much to ensure the well-being of your elderly loved one.

If you know someone may be taking advantage, there are steps you can take, with little exposure, to help the situation and bring a positive turn in someone’s life, perhaps when it matters the most.

Elder Abuse Prevention

If you were not blessed with a good influence growing up, you know how difficult and dangerous it can be when you need to be cared for and cannot trust those closest to you.

If you were fortunate and were well taken care of and the simplest things were provided for you when it mattered so much, you need to remember how it gave you confidence and security and helped you become a healthy person with good morals.

Don’t Forget the Elderly. Stop Elder Abuse.

When we grow old we often times don’t even pay much attention to the things we can no longer do well, unless it is painfully obvious. Many elderly people are either too trusting or too afraid to trust even the right people.

If someone we care for is in the beginning stages of a debilitating disease or suffering from dementia, they are most vulnerable and fall easy prey to predators that lurk behind the most innocent looking doors.

  • Where’s the balance in life?
  • Who can help assist us in our golden years?
  • Who can protect us from the predators who wear so many masks?

Consider speaking with a licensed private investigator. The consultation is private, free and without obligation. Should you choose to engage the services of a good private investigator, we can provide you with firm quotes for all of the important services we offer, from investigating caregivers and anyone influencing the loved one, to surveillance, confrontation and intervention. We can assist you in shining a spot light on bad guys and exposing them. We can assist you in locating the best attorney for your situation. We can help to get rid of criminals who have insinuated themselves into your family or the lives of your elderly loved ones.

Before you hire any private investigator in California we strongly suggest you visit the state’s website at This is the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Bureau of Security and Investigative Services. This is the agency bureau that licenses and oversees Private Investigators, security guards, lock smiths and some other professionals in California.

Please feel free to check us out with the state. You can check by using the business name Linked Investigations or the license number. Our license number is 15568. We have provided a button with an internal link that brings you right to the page of the state’s website to check an investigator’s license.

If you have any trouble we will be happy to help. Our consultations are private, free and without obligation.

Mike Garroutte is a licensed California private investigator. He is the owner of Linked Investigations in Costa Mesa, California. He has been a private investigator based in Orange County, California for over thirty years.

Published on: 
December 1, 2012
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