Cheating on your wife? Ask her to marry you again on Facebook.

At least, we’ll watch to see how things pan out as Ivan Lewis exceeds his quest to receive 10,000 likes on Facebook for his post regarding his marital infidelity.

Ivan Lewis was a serial cheater. Hence, he and his wife, Sonya Gore, separated just 10 months after getting married back in February 2010. Over the past two years, the two have been working towards some type of reconciliation, or at least Ivan has.

Recently, Lewis used his Facebook page to ask Sonya if she would marry him again. Although she hasn’t said no, Sonja said that before she would consider saying, “yes,” to her cheating husband, Lewis would have make an equally public Facebook post regarding the fact that he was a cheating husband. She felt that it would serve as a type of punishment, along the same lines of the humiliation she felt when she found out her husband had cheated on her. Her requirement: His post has to get 10,000 likes before she would give him an answer.

Cheating husband posts public Facebook announcement, “I cheated on my wife!!!”

On September 22, Lewis demonstrated evidence of his renewed commitment to Gore in a Facebook post; he held up a sign that read, “I cheated on my wife!!!! (and she was ugly!!!)” Sonya was standing right beside him when he made the sign, and will be standing by (it sounds like) until he reaches his 10,000 mark and beyond. Now the world will have to wait to see what her answer is.

Sonya told News One, “that she wanted to divorce Lewis and even sought legal advice on the decision but has recently had a change of heart because of his social media overtures.” Just a week later, the post has close to 14,000 likes (as of 3:30 p.m. on 9/29). Guess Sonya will have to decide whether or not she can truly forgive, and trust, her cheating spouse.

Would you be able to trust your cheating spouse again?

Would a public confession be enough for a cheating spouse to get back in your good graces? Your first instinct might be, “NO WAY!” However, you might be surprised about how you would feel once the truth is out. As experienced cheating spouse investigators, we have seen over and  over how evidence can change a person’s plan of action. Spouses who go in thinking, “I’ll leave him/her if I find out s/he’s cheating,” can have a change of heart when the cat’s out of the proverbial bag, and the cheating spouse wants to reconcile.

The reality is this: if your husband or wife is cheating on you, you have the right to know. That way, you can create a plan to reconcile or move forward with your life in a different direction. Professional cheating spouse surveillance services are often the only way to find out for sure whether or not your spouse is cheating on you. Once you know for sure, you may find – like Sonya Gore did – amends can be made, and the two of you can work to rebuild a more stable and loving future.

Hire a Los Angeles Cheating Spouse Private Investigator

Ready to take action and hire a Los Angeles Private Investigator to catch your cheating spouse? Mike Garroutte has worked as a licensed California Private Investigator for more than 30 years. His office is based in Orange County, but his cheating spouse surveillance services have taken him all over Southern California, as well as nationwide. His priviate investigative services are efficient, discreet, and effective.

Please contact us to schedule a free consultation. We will be happy to discuss your needs and help you determine the best course of action for your future.

Published on: 
September 29, 2013
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