Clint Eastwood Probably Won’t Sue for Child Custody of His 7th Child.

The Hollywood divorce news is buzzing this week. Leading the articles about Hollywood couples navigating the realm of divorce and child custody issues is Clint Eastwood and his second wife, Dina. Mrs. Eastwood filed for legal separation, plus Dina is asking for primary physical custody of their 16-year old daughter. Odds are, there won’t be much of a fight since Clint Eastwood has fathered seven children, via five women, several of whom he never even claimed until years after they were born.

Even Amicable Divorces can Benefit from a Private Investigator

The good news for Clint and Dina is that their relationship seems to be amicable, which will help as they move through their legal proceedings. They may not need a private investigator to help with their divorce and child custody issues. Dina Eastwood recently tweeted, “I don’t like reading negative things about Clint” “He is a wonderful, good natured, brilliant person. No matter what, I attest to that.” This is good news considering things might get a little complicated since Dina is now romantically connected with Hawaii University basketball coach, Scott Fisher, and Clint has recently been connected with Scott Fisher’s ex-wife, Erica. Does that make it a “Love Square?”

Speaking of Child Custody Issues that Require Private Investigative Services

As long as we’re on the subject of child custody issues, how about the news that Michael Jackson’s lover claims to be the egg donor for his three children, and is now suing for child custody? That’s right. Christina Leroux has just filed a petition for legal guardianship of Paris, Prince, and Blanket. It will probably take more than the help of a private investigator to sort out all of the details of that child custody battle!

Divorce and Child Custody Cases Can Have a Happy Ending

But we’ll leave this blog on a happy note: there are divorce and child custody cases that have a happy ending. Dennis Quaid and his wife, Kimberly, have had ongoing marital issues since March of 2012. At that time, Kimberly fliled for a divorce, and Dennis Quaid even purchased her and the children a $3.1 million dollar home. However, after a successful reconciliation, the couple has decided not to divorce after all. Because the divorce petition had already moved too far down the pike, the couple had to go to court to withdraw it. It has now been legally withdrawn, and they will live happily ever after – – we hope.

Need Assistance with Your Divorce and Child Custody Issues?

Mike Garroutte, owner of Linked Investigations, is a California Child Custody Private Investigator. His work has helped to protect the best interests of his client’s children, increase or decrease child custody payments, alimony or spousal support payments and proven court order violations. Contact us for a free consultation so we can discuss your needs.

Published on: 
September 1, 2013
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