Crooks at the Company Party. Employee theft, a sobering thought.

Does your company have a few bad seeds?

It doesn’t take much or too many unsavory employees to spoil it for the rest of us. Employee theft and employee fraud costs this country billions of dollars annually.

If you believe or if you know that there are bad apples in your company, the worst thing you can do is to let it slide in the hopes that the situation will work itself out, or the rogue employee or employees with somehow stop their behavior.

The sooner you address the issues with employees the better it is for morale and the business in general. If you need to have employees interviewed to discover who is responsible for the problems facing the company, you should consider a licensed private investigator.

Internal Investigation

If your employees are stealing from you, or competing with your business while in your employ, you need to do something about it. If they are filing fraudulent claims, this can cause your insurance premiums to go so high you can’t afford to run the company. We can help. Linked Investigations’ private investigative services can assist you with your internal investigation. You can clean house before your associates do. Valuable contracts are often lost due to employee theft and fraud.

Background Check Employees

One of the best proactive tools available to an employer is to have an in-depth background check on an employee. If this is done before you hire the person you can save yourself grief and expense.

  • If the person is already in the company and something is not right, a complete background check can reveal new information that has been made available. You can see whether they work for or own another company in conflict with their responsibilities at your business.
  • You can find out whether they have been convicted of crimes or if they have civil cases on file. There are many areas searched in a complete background check. If we determine the employee lied on their application based on our findings and interview process, this is in itself grounds for termination.

Employee Investigations

Sometimes it can be very informative to have surveillance of an employee to determine whether they are doing the job you are paying them for. You can learn much from surveillance of an employee. A licensed private investigator with experience in this area is a valuable asset. Discretion and thoroughness are key and these are our specialty.

Corporate Investigator

Numerous corporations have realized the benefit of hiring our corporate investigative services. We not only can get to the root of the problem, we can get you the proof needed to protect the company if the employee files for unemployment or if he or she contemplates or files a suit for wrongful termination. Having our detailed court-ready reports, video footage and live testimony if needed can make all the difference.

Linked investigations is owned by licensed private investigator Mike Garroutte and is located in Costa Mesa, California. Our license number is P.I. 15568.

Published on: 
October 1, 2012
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