Is My Valentine Cheating on Me?

Valentine’s Day is a romantic day for some but a nightmare for others, depending on the status of the relationship. You ask yourself the question, “Is my Valentine cheating on me?” If you suspect a spouse or partner is cheating on you, this is a prime time of year to catch him or her in the act. Why? Because people involved in an affair almost always give a gift and/or plan some type of special event with their partner-in-crime to honor Valentine’s Day.

If you are wondering whether or not your husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend is cheating you, a little surveillance might be just what you need to find out the truth.

What Are the Signs of a Cheating Spouse?

The signs of a cheating spouse are very universal in almost every case we handle, but there are certain times of year when these behaviors or concrete pieces of evidence are more prevalanet than others. Valentine’s Day is one of these times. Typical Valentine’s Day Cheating takes place in many ways, but some of the most common entail:

  • Heavier-than-usual cell phone or texting activity, often removing themselves to another room or area.
  • Cash withdrawls from the ATM in order to purchase gifts for their lover.
  • A “business meeting” that takes place the night before or the night after Valentine’s day so they can take their lover to dinner or on a date.
  • Cheaters often meet their lover at work so, if Valentine’s Day falls on a weekday, there is a good chance they will go to lunch or check into a hotel room with their lover to exchange gifts and celebrate the day before they feign a celebration with you.
  • “Business trips” that take place the weekend before, during or after Valentine’s Day

Do any of these sound familiar? All but the ATM withdrawls (which aren’t enough to confront a cheating spouse with anyway…), require expert surveillance services by a private investigator in order to get the evidence you need.

Contact a Southern California Private Investigator to Catch a Cheating Spouse on Valentine’s Day

Mike Garroutte, owner of Linked Investigations, has helped thousands of individuals find peace of mind using expert surveillance services to catch a cheating spouse. Don’t spend anytime worrying or wondering “what if…?” Instead, contact Linked Investigations and get the answers you need so you can determine what to do next. 714-432-9911

Published on: 
February 3, 2015
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