Need National Criminal Background Check Services You can Trust?
If you need national criminal background check results you can trust, hire a corporate investigator. Big time background check companies make big time errors, which can lead your company right into a lawsuit.
National criminal background check services are an important part of the employee pre-employment screening process. Many major corporations, such as WalMart and Disney, use them on a regular basis. The problem is that the quality and accuracy of a criminal background check is only as strong as the information available, and/or the background checker’s ability to determine the good information from the bad. The website just published article by Aaron Elstein titled, Background check industry under scrutiny as profits soar, describing how many companies are being sued when the erroneous results of shoddy background checks have cost qualified candidates the job.
Think twice before you retract a job offer based on results of a national criminal background check!
For example, take the case of Tara Reed Chernecke. She was an R.N. working in the state of Indiana. She applied for, and was offered, a job paying $30 an hour at a hospital operated by Norton Healthcare. Norton is a conscientious company who runs national criminal background checks on all their employees. They entrusted their complete background check services to Sterling Infosystems, a huge background check firm located in the heart of NY’s financial district. Unfortunately, inaccurate results, and a failure to do a double-check, cost Ms. Chernecke her job.
The inaccurate national criminal background check results showed that Tara had been arrested for possession of a controlled subject. The problem is, she had no criminal record. By the time the correct evidence was brought to light, her “almost” position was already filled. She is currently suing Sterling Infosystem and the case is pending. However, she isn’t the only one who has suffered the loss of a job due to the failures of big industry criminal background checks.
Sterling Infosystems also pulled inaccurate criminal record results for Brandon Williams, who was in line to receive a salary of $35,000/year job, because Sterling said he had been arrested for multiple offenses and had served jail time, none of which was true. Mr. Williams sued Sterling as well and the case was settled out of court. So, what does this mean for you as an employer?
Trust a Corporate Investigator When You Need National Criminal Background Check Services
Your best bet when using a national criminal background check as part of your pre-employment screening process, is to hire a corporate investigator who will take the time to check, and double check the results. When Linked Investigations works with corporate clients to do complete background checks, we make sure the data is as accurate as possible for our clients. If a criminal record shows up, we will work closely with you to verify every detail on the prospective clients’ application so you don’t have to make the same mistake as the companies we mentioned above. Don’t let your company miss out on the chance to hire valuable employees.
Mike Garroutte, owner of Linked Investigations, has worked as a licensed Los Angeles Private Investigator for three decades. His pre-employment screening and national background check services has helped countless businesses and corporations streamline their hiring process, put an end to high-employee turnover rates, and build teams of high-quality employees. Contact us today. 877-464-5374.