Serve Papers

Having trouble serving papers? An L.A. Private Investigator Can Help.

What does a private investigator have to do with serving legal documents, you might ask? Quite a bit, actually. In many cases where people want to serve a Temporary Restraining order, or need to serve divorce papers, the recipient isn’t interested in being served. They will do just about anything to evade taking the documents.

A Los Angeles Private Investigator Can Serve Legal Documents For You.

Use a Los Angeles Private Investigator to serve your legal documents and you won’t have to worry having them being returned to you in the mail, risking your personal safety, or relying on friends or family members to help.

Serve Divorce Papers. If your divorce isn’t an amicable one, or your soon-to-be ex-spouse isn’t being cooperative, it’s usually best to hire a professional to serve divorce papers. If you live in Los Angeles County, Orange County, or Southern California area, and need to serve divorce papers, contact Linked Investigations. We can help to make sure your divorce papers get into the right hands.

Serve A Subpoena. In some cases, simply sending a letter via the USPS, which requires a return receipt, will be sufficient. However, if you need to serve a subpoena to an unwilling or uncooperative witness, someone you are suing, or you live out of town and need a subpoena served in Southern California, hiring a professional legal document server is the fastest, and most efficient way to serve this important legal document.

Ensure Proof of Legal Document Service. The recipient of the legal documents will be able to claim that s/he didn’t know s/he was served if you don’t have bona fide proof of the legal document service. In cases where the individual will need a lawyer, improper legal document service can result in delays in your case, and/or allow the person to become even more evasive. Professional legal document services will provide you with proof, in the forms of Proof of Service documents/forms that accurately completed, leaving no wiggle room for the individual(s) who has been served.

Make sure your legal documents are served correctly the first time around. As a private investigator in Los Angeles, who has successfully served thousands of court documents, I am confident my services are exactly what you are looking for.

Contact Linked Investigations if you need a Los Angeles Private Investigator to help you serve papers quickly and efficiently.

Published on: 
September 23, 2013
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