Yes! You ARE Being Cheated On. Stop Your Cheating Spouse
Think your significant other is cheating on you? Then they probably are. It’s one thing to get a little jealous of your mate once in a while, it is entirely different to receive genuine messages, via your intuition, that he or she is being unfaithful. Stop your cheating spouse with Linked Investigations.
There are multiple signs of cheating spouses, and short of catching them in a compromising position, most of them can be rationalized, defended, and made out to be okay by the offending party. However, the messages you receive from your sixth sense should always lead the way.
If you have a strong suspicion that your partner is cheating on you, you are probably right. However, that isn’t always enough proof to terminate a relationship, especially if you have been together a long time, are married, or have children. We have seen over and over how getting concrete proof of infidelity can help our clients make educated decisions about how they want to move forward. In fact, sometimes they choose to never let their partner know they found out – opting to keep the information to themselves without terminating the relationship. You just never know how you are going to react until you find out the truth.
A California Private Investigator Can Help to Catch a Cheating Spouse
So what do you do when you think you partner is cheating? First, take a deep breath and make an effort to determine whether or not you are getting the message from your intuitive self, or a more insecure and afraid part of your self. In his article titled, Infidelity: Not Missing the Signs, Psychiatrist Stanley H. Block discusses some practices you can use to calm your mind and determine which part of you suspects infidelity.
You can also ask yourself why your partner would cheat in the first place? In some cases, addressing the issues around why a person would cheat can help a couple find their way back to a stronger and healthier interpersonal dynamic. One thing is for certain, sitting on your feelings, rather than addressing them, will only continue to erode your relationship even further. A California private investigator can use a variety of investigative services to determine whether or not your partner is cheating.
Investigative Services to Catch a Cheating Spouse
Surveillance services. Hands down, surveillance services are the Number 1 most effective tool for catching a cheating spouse. Sometimes our clients come to us with preconceived notions about the amount of time involved in surveillance cases. Unless the client specifies additional surveillance, we can often use small, designated time slots to get the evidence we need. Surveillance usually occurs after work, during lunch breaks, or at their normal gym time. These are some of the most typical windows of opportunity cheaters use to be unfaithful. We can also follow them on business trips – real or otherwise – and get evidence that way.
Asset Checks. Sometimes, financial infidelity is one of the first signs that a partner is being unfaithful. They may have credit cards you don’t know about, or secret checking or savings accounts. An asset search can be used to see if they have refinanced your house or an investment property without you knowing it. This is important evidence to have, especially if you will be pursuing a divorce or child custody case as it can help the courts to determine alimony and child support payments.
Complete background checks. You would be surprised what you might find out by running a complete background check. Prior criminal records you didn’t know about, marriages, divorces, and perhaps evidence of children you never knew they had. Sometimes a background check can paint a more accurate picture of the person you are dating, or married to, disclosing important information you never would have known otherwise.
Always trust your gut instincts. As California Private Investigators, we wouldn’t be able to do our jobs if we did otherwise. Your intuition is a powerful tool for showing you the truth, however it might take the assistance of a California Private Investigator to get the prove you need to more forward.
Stop Your Cheating Spouse with Linked Investigations, best California private detective agency.
Mike Garroutte is the owner of Linked Investigations, a private investigation firm located in Southern California. He has more than three decades of private investigative experience and his surveillance services have been used to catch cheaters in the act, and help his clients to make informed and knowledgeable decisions about their futures. Contact Us today for a free consultation.