Getting divorced makes women happier. Who knew?
Okay, so we certainly aren’t advocating that all married people run out and get divorced so they can be happy. However, PsychCentral says that recently divorced are happier than they have ever been – and that happiness continues to linger for years after their divorce is final. Perhaps this explains the up-trending of Divorce Parties, like the hosted by Katie Holmes when her divorce from Tom Cruise was finalized.
The study, published by Kingston University in London, evaluated the lives of more than 10,000 people, and tracked how they responded emotionally after life-altering, or traumatizing, events. One of the statistics unearthed during this study was that women rate their happiness as higher than their average lifetime baseline for as long as 5-years after their divorce.
Interestingly, this included women who experienced new found financial instability that often follows a divorce, especially if the husband was the main bread winner. One reason for this could be women’s psychological ability to adapt to traumatic incidences. Perhaps we’ll find in the long run that women have a stronger, natural “adaptation” gene.
Hire a family law investigator to facilitate smoother divorce proceedings
Before you kick up your heels and decide to go ahead and file for divorce, make sure you have your ducks in a row. While divorced women may have a tendency to feel happier after the divorce, that does not mean they are happy as they make their way through the divorce process. Hiring an top Orange County private investigator can help you get your affairs in order, and paint a clear picture of exactly what you can expect in terms of alimony, child custody, child support payments, etc.
Background checks. Are you concerned about your children’s safety when they are with the other custodial parent? We can use complete background check services to investigate the history of their significant other, family members, or friends who you feel pose a safety risk for your children.
Asset search. Many people don’t even know what an Asset Search is, let alone what a huge value they can be for someone who is getting a divorce. These can help you to learn where you stand financially, locate assets your spouse may have hidden from you in order to evade alimony or child support, or let you in on your own financial picture if your partner was the one who handles the finances. An asset check can also be used to increase your child support payments.
Surveillance services. Surveillance services are another way you can boost your child support or alimony payments. If your husband or soon-to-be-ex partner works under the table, investing in professional surveillance may be a good security measure to ensure what he claims he makes is anywhere near what he is actually making. We often find those who work freelance evade claiming their full income, saying they aren’t working as much as usual, the economy is bad, etc. when, in fact, our surveillance services prove they are actually going to work almost every single day.
Getting divorced? Hire an Orange County Private Investigator
Before you hire a divorce attorney, consider speaking with an Orange County private investigator. We can help you get the evidence you need to streamline your divorce and child custody hearings. In many cases, hiring a private investigator before you hire an attorney can save you thousands of dollars in unnecessary legal fees. The better your divorce and child custody outcome is, the happier you will be after it’s all over.
Mike Garroutte, owner of Linked Investigations, has worked as a family law investigator in Orange and Los Angeles counties for more than 30 years. He can tailor his investigative services to meet your needs and your budget. Contact Linked Investigations today.